Meaningful Use Assistance

Support for Attesting Providers
Meaningful Use, the requirement for EHR Incentive Program payments is a highly detailed, time-consuming responsibility for most provider practices. That’s why Consolidated MD offers a complete, end-to-end assistance for “Meaningful Use” across all stages. We help to simplify the difficult path to a successful Meaningful Use attestation and keeping providers earning incentives and assisting in avoiding penalties.
Our Meaningful Use consultants have already helped numerous providers achieve and attest to Stage 1 Meaningful Use. Whether you’re currently working toward Stage 1 or Stage 2 Meaningful Use, you can count on your Meaningful Use consultant to ensure your EHR systems can accommodate future requirements as you progress through all stages of Meaningful Use.
Meaningful Use Monitoring Assistance
Monitor providers progress over the course of an attestation period to provide assistance to ensure all core measures are met for attesting.
This also can include Conducting report reviews both quarterly and a final before the providers Meaningful Use attestation. We will also provide workflow redesign recommendations.
EHR/EMR Incentive Program Assistance
Our consultants will provide education, consultation and guidance on regulations and requirements specific to the providers needs and exclusions. We will also assist with the practices registration and review for eligibility confirmation.
Meaningful Use Audit Assistance
Whether it is a prepayment or post payment Meaningful Use audit our Meaningful Use consultants can help providers gather, assemble and submit all the appropriate documentation. Once submitted our Meaningful Use consultants will work with your auditor to create the best outcome for the provider.
Should you received an audit notification, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 800-933-5190! We Can Help!
FAQs About Meaningful Use Audit Assistance
Meaningful Use is a set of objectives defined by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). These objectives establish measures that eligible professionals (EPs), eligible hospitals (EHs) and critical access hospitals (CAHs) must meet in order to earn EHR Incentive Program payments (and avoid Medicare rate adjustment penalties slated to begin in 2015 for those who are not successful with Meaningful Use attestation). There are three stages altogether; currently, all EPs, EHs and CAHs seeking EHR Incentive Program payments are working to meet Meaningful Use Stage 1, Stage 2 or Stage 3 objectives.
What Is The Difference Between Stage 1, Stage 2 or Stage 3 Meaningful Use?
The primary design of Meaningful Use Stage 1 is data capture and sharing – implementing an EHR system that is certified by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) and recording structured data. Meaningful Use Stage 2 involves advancing clinical processes and health interoperability by increasing the exchange of health information, demonstrating care coordination across multiple sites, and empowering patients with access to their own health information. Meaningful Use Stage 3 is designed to improve outcomes through the use of real-time data at the point of care, outcomes-focused clinical quality measures (CQMs), clinical decision support and patient access to self-management tools.
Does My Current EHR Need To Change?
All EHR Incentive Program participants are required to use Certified EHR Technology (CEHRT) that meets the Standards and Certification Criteria set forth in the 2014 final rule from the ONC. View a detailed fact sheet on ONC standards and certification criteria.
More specifically, to achieve Meaningful Use and be successful with Meaningful Use attestation, you must have an IT infrastructure that can support the requirements and store all necessary data. Additionally, your CEHRT must be able to create, export, import and incorporate problems, medication information and medical allergy lists – and this information must be capable of retaining all required attributes as it moves between EHRs.
- If your EHR has already been designated as CEHRT, there’s no need to change systems.
- If you do not have an EHR that has met the Standards and Certification Criteria, our Meaningful Use Consultants can provide expert assistance with your EHR adoption initiatives.
Do I need to complete a Security Risk Analysis to meet Meaningful Use Stage 2?
Yes. A core objective of Meaningful Use is protecting the information created or maintained by the EHR. As an EP, EH or CAH, you must complete or review a Security Risk Analysis each year, which addresses the encryption and security of data stored in CEHRT. You must also implement security updates and correct identified security deficiencies as part of the risk management process. Contact us to to make sure this is completed correctly.
Is There More Information About Meaningful Use Incentives?
For more detailed information about the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs, visit the CMS website at
For more information, contact the experienced staff at Consolidated MD at 800-933-5190 — we always offer free initial consultations!